Sunday, January 30, 2005

Something Fun

So, my motivation for blogging lately has been close to nil. I wish that I could find stats--from blogger or something--on how many people start blogs, publish two posts (maybe three) and then never again. I suspect that there are quite a number of people like this.

So, something fun has finally motivated me to post something short. I saw Ben Folds in concert tonight. If you don't know who he is, follow the link on his name. I have introduced a good half dozen people to Ben Folds and each of them became nearly instant fans. If you listen to some of the clips on his site and are thinking about buying an album, I recommend Ben Folds Live or Ben Folds Live [Clean]. Those are the same album, both an excellent buy!

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Delicious Library

Delicious Library is, I think, the single coolest program that I have ever seen. If you can be in love with a computer program, then I am! If you scroll down the page a bit you can see some will be impressed.

Delicious Monster, the company that makes this product, is very new; but with products so well thought out so early, they are bound to be big! What will be next... I can't wait to fall in love... again.

Friday, January 07, 2005

Not dead

Yes people, that is right, I'm NOT dead. If you are wondering "Why the dearth of posts Mark?", then this post is for you. I have thought about writing things a number of times, but then when I sit down to get at it... well... I just don't feel like it. Besides, I sit in front of my computer all day (well most of the day) trying to finish off these papers that I am working on. Ugh.

So, there haven't been posts because I just haven't felt like it.

Oh yeah... Everyone should go and check out a p.h.a.t. new blog called "Eat, Drink, and Be Merry"