Sunday, October 31, 2004

dollars to donuts

so, i am having a hard time writing clearly. perhaps this will be better. i'm trying to write the proposal that i mentioned in the previous post (i have written it now), but as it is now, there is no way that it would win any sort of funding. i'm sort of not sure how to make the project clearer. maybe it needs to sit for a day, maybe someone else needs to read it. whatever the case, i don't think that i can finish it now. i think that i will go and read another paper that is clearly written and perhaps then, i will be able to make my proposal more clear.

if i haven't mentioned this site before, or you just haven't visited it before, you should do so now. it is the single best book finder type site on the web. well, perhaps i will write more later, but i am finished for now.

Saturday, October 30, 2004


alright, a little more frequent from now on i will be. so, i'm trying to write a proposal for a big grant; four years of funding and a lot of it. so, i want this thing to be good, but i'm vascilating between being technical and trying to make the project seem like it will have far reaching effects (i.e. in other fields). it is really hard to know what to do, mostly because it is really hard to know what they (the people who hand out the dough) want. i am sending the proposal to at least three people who have won these grants in the past two years, so hopefully i'll get some good feedback.

so i'm going to watch the election results this coming tuesday. i really don't like politics, however, some of my classmates do and they are going to have a poker party that night called "gambling away you future." the plan is: if kerry wins, champagne and if bush wins, whisky. i wish i could say that i didn't care (because, after all, i can't vote since i'm not from this country) but i do care. i mostly care because i don't want to see bush's face on the news so much anymore. i really don't think that kerry is a great alternative, but of the two... the choice should be obvious. okay, so that isn't a good reason to not want bush to win. here is a better reason that ties in with why i hate politics so much. when i watch politics, read about politics, or (for the most part) hear people talk about politics, i hear a copious number of bad arguments. people draw conclusions when there has been no premises given. that is just about the single most annoying thing in the world. since i hate that so much, i hate politics. i make no claims about politics being bad, just that i don't like it.

okay, enough of that. it was making me aggravated. anyways, here is the task for the day: figure out where i got the title of the post from. 100 pts if you do!

Saturday, October 16, 2004

fetishes and flap-jacks

so it has been all to long since i last posted on here. i will try to not let that happen again.

today has been an interesting day. well... it has been interesting in the sense that i slept lots and have been trying to read yet i can't seem to concentrate. don't you like that sense of interesting?

i found a really cool website a while ago and i think that everyone should go and look at it. the site is a drawing program. you are able to select your pen size and type, and then you can draw pictures and write messages in the browser. i know that this doesn't seem to fantastic, but i havn't told you the really cool part yet. the really cool thing about it is that you can e-mail your message to people. when they click on the link that is suplied to them (in the e-mail) they will see the pen move to write, or draw, what you did. so, without further adieu, here it is:

i'm sure you will all enjoy.