Friday, September 17, 2004

grunka-lunkas and kil-bo-ballies

i surfed, i slept, i read, and i ate. that is pretty much all i did today. it is raining out and i had nothing to do at school; so, i stayed in my appartment all day. i'm not sure that i can really say i had a fun day, but at the same time, i've had worse. i did read lots of logic and some fun metaphysics, but otherwise the day was sort of like the lives of the poor little grunka-lunkas.

cleverness isn't coming easily today; so, this sentence will conclude this post.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

pernicious attitudes and flagrant paper wasting

from time to time i get the impression that people don't really believe me. i mean it's not that they think i am lying, rather they think that i am overstating or that i am saying something for their benefit or something like that. well, im not sure if i am in the situation just described, but i've wondered about it from time to time.

recently i moved about 1300 miles away from home. i think that someone (i'm allowing 'someone' to be ambiguous between one person or a few people) doesn't really believe me when i say that i miss them (i use 'them' instead of him/her to once again remain ambiguous about whether i'm referring to one of many people).

well, if i am right---namely, that someone (again...ambiguous...blah blah blah) doesn't believe me when i say that i miss them (blah...)---, then i think that i have a solution to what one ought to do when they think that someone doesn't believe them.

the answer is: blog-it. for those of you who are completely lost trying to figure out what 'blog-it' mean, let me fill you in. 'blog-it' is a verb. well, perhaps it is a verb demonstrative-pronoun pair. regardless, 'blog-it'=(df) to write, on a blog (noun) about an event, idea, or a thing (this is certainly not an exhaustive list, but you get the idea).

so, here goes. someone, i miss you (again... 'you' is...blah...). i really mean it.

Monday, September 13, 2004

copiousness, cash, and value

recently, i have been inundated with reading; or, i have lots of reading to do; or, i have lots of time ahead of me, during which, i will be looking at sentences like these. (however, the sentences that i will be looking at will be, almost certainly, less convoluted than these.)

when faced with situations like these the following question inevitably arises: namely, "(1) is it better to read all of the sentences quickly; (2) read some of the sentences (or sections) carefully and skip others; or, (3) read some carefully and some quickly. obviously if (4) one could read carefully and quickly, then the answer to this question is obvious: namely, do that (i.e. (4)). however, in my case, this is not an option. so, i'm stuck between (1)-(3). suppose, for arguments sake, that (3) is not an option (perhaps because even (3) will take too long); if this is the case, then is it better to do (1) or (2)? i'm really not sure. maybe it depends on what you are reading it for.

consider the following argument for the claim that, when pressed for time, one should do (2). suppose that you are reading the material for a class. this class happens to be with a professor that frequently asks: "does anyone have any questions or concerns about the reading?" if the material was for this course, then (2) seems like the best approach to take. why? because, when this question is asked, you can promptly put up your hand and ask a question or make a comment or voice a concern about at least one of the passages that you read carefully. if you do this, then you just might avoid being asked questions for the rest of class. (of course this plan is not immune to backfire. the professor might be one who feels incredibly awkward with the thought of silence and hence asks you, the eager student, every time he or she has a question about the text. this would be bad.) so, although this plan might backfire, i think that employing (2) as a method of attack is the best route to go.

well... maybe not. consider this argument for (1) being the best plan of attack. if you were to employ (2) and there was a reading quiz, short answer lets say, then you would likely find yourself in a very awkward situation because there will likely be a number of questions that, having employed method (2), you will not be able to answer; in fact, there will be a number of questions that you won't have a clue about. however, if you had employed battle plan (1), then you would be ready to (probably) answer any of the short answer questions. So, a better grade would result.

well... there are more arguments for why one ought to fly ones x-wing fighter down path (1) instead of path (2) and vice versa; so it is not clear what conclusion we should draw...

...well actually, there is one thing that we can conclude from this investigation; namely, writing a blog post is the way to make scaling the pile of reading insurmountable.


Friday, September 10, 2004


so there is this phenomenon called 'next-bloging'. well i'm not really sure that the so-called phenomenon is really called that, but we'll pretend okay? just you and me.

well, now that we are on this next-blogging adventure perhaps i should tell you what this adventure includes (or what it is for that matter). well... next-blogging is a phenomenon that one is only able for partaking on the blogger network (and by network i mean, any weblog that is hosted by blogger---an affiliate of google). what it is is a function from one weblog to another and button used to evoke this function is available at the top right corner of any (?) weblog hosted by blogger. it is a pretty neat function. i really have no idea how the next page is decided upon during next-blogging, but you might get some interesting blogs... i have.

yeah, i have successfully bored each and every one of my readers to sleep (you know the universal quantifier can be satisfied by there being only one reader, provided that, in this case, that one reader was bored to sleep... ah hem, back to the story).

wait a minute... i just said "back to the story," but that was useless because the story really already ended...

well, i am kind of finding this funny, but i just realized that no one else will so i think that i should finish this pos

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

pain, pleasure, and pre-occupation

just recently i began living in an apartment. it seems that there is an unending supply of interesting sounds inundating my space. for the last few days it has been someone playing the violin for roughly 10 hours a day (they are playing right now as a matter of fact). right now, aside from the aforementioned violinist (which is sometimes a string quartet, i think), there is a perpetual string of bass beats coming from my upstairs-next door neighbor. i know you all feel my pain... well, annoyance anyways.

amidst the music i'm trying to read about plural quantification. i won't elaborate, otherwise my reading audience---which is presently at 1, maybe 2---will drop to zero. let me just say: you need to focus when you read stuff on plural quantification, it isn't easy... lots of symbols and stuff.

i'm t.a.-ing a course this term. apparently, this is what i am supposed to know; sigh.

books are important. with that said, let me provide the link to my favorite book site: fetch book.

the random-string-of-ideas-for-today has run out. check back soon for more non-well-founded thoughts!!!

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

the time of day...

so i have wondered whether or not the title of the post encourages people to read the post or not. i will be testing this theory out continuly as this blog proceeds. another thing that i will do continuly is, ignore the capitalization rule of english grammar. im almost embarrased to say what (who) gave me the idea, but i'll tell you anyways. i was looking through playlists at the itunes music store. each of the playlists (some of which are put together by celebrities) have write-ups about why each song was picked. i started reading one of these write-ups and thought that it was really well written. one distinguishing feature of the write-up was that there were no capital letters to be found. so...i decided to emulate this write-up in this blog. no caps...ever. (i only hope that this doesn't become a habit when i am writing papers for various professors. oh well... that is what spell check in ms word is for right? i mean it will frequently tell me that 'colour' is spelt wrong---when that is obviously a mistake---but it will always get the capitalization stuff right...i think.)

so, i hope that you come along for the ride (i've always wanted to say that) and i hope that you enjoy the ride.

p.s. i know that you are asking youself "who was it that wrote the write-up?" well... it was... fred durst... yeah, you see why i said it was embarrasing?